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Institutional Membership Plan Details
- Top consensus buy & sell picks based on latest qtr. 13-F’s by 300+ leading funds in six fund groups, including 79 Guru, 27 Mega, 128 Sector, 57 Billionaires, 54 New Masters & 40 Tiger funds
- Industry reports to identify top picks for each of six fund groups separately, and for all six groups combined, in 200+ industry groups
- Customized fund picks’ reports using multi-criteria & portfolio screens, for each of six fund groups separately, and for six fund groups combined
- All reports updated daily based on latest 13D/G & 13-F filings
- Coming Soon! Exclusively for the institutional tier, we plan to add multi-year consensus picks’ archives in the coming months
Each report offers:
- Top stocks held, bought & sold by all six fund groups, separately & combined
- No. of funds buying & selling by all six fund groups, separately & combined
- Ranking of all stocks on a 1-to-5 scale based on their attractiveness to leading fund managers in six groups, separately & combined, e.g., GuruRank™, MegaRank™ & overall GFPRank™
Additional info:
- Portfolios based on top Q3/2012 picks by Guru, Mega & 300+ leading funds (GuruRank™, MegaRank™ & GFPRank™ > 4.5) returned 37.0%, 29.6% & 33.3% resp. by June 2013 v/s a 14.0% return by the S&P 500 during the same time period
- 79 Gurus hand-picked to incl. top hedge & mutual fund managers with outstanding, market-beating, long-term returns
- 27 Mega funds hand-picked to include world’s largest fund managers with combined $30+ Trillion AUM
- 128 Sector funds include 18 consumer, 19 energy, 7 gold, 25 finance, 23 healthcare, 8 real estate & 31 tech-focused funds
- Gurus include Buffett, Soros, Klarman, Cohen, Gabelli, Paulson, Icahn, Halvorsen, Einhorn, Ainslee & 69 others
- Mega funds include Fidelity, Vanguard, BlackRock, UBS, Deutsche Bank, T Rowe Price, Wellington & 20 others