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From over 330 of Wall St.’s Top Fund Managers Inc. 78 Guru, 27 Mega, 165 Sector, 59 Billionaires & Others

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Over 330 Top Fund Mgrs. In Seven Groups

  • 78 Guru Funds

    78 of Wall Street’s legendary or Guru Fund Managers, including icons such as Warren Buffet, Carl Icahn, Seth Klarman, and 75 others, who by virtue of their stellar long-term market-beating returns have earned their standing in the investment community. The credentials of many of them have been highlighted in our articles on leading financial blog SeekingAlpha, and also linked to on the 13-F page for the specific fund.

  • 165 Sector Funds

    165 Sector-Focused Fund Managers, that have most of their assets concentrated in a single sector, including 29 consumer, 27 energy, 23 finance, 7 gold, 25 healthcare, 11 real estate and 43 tech-focused sector funds.

  • 54 New Masters

    54 New Masters Fund Managers, including those with recent strong performance and/or recognition, but that have not yet earned the status of being called Gurus.

  • 52 Activist Funds

    52 Shareholder Activist Fund Managers, typically hedge fund managers, that take a 10% or larger stake in company to “influence” management to help unlock value, i.e., pressure management to effect changes that will lead to an increase in share prices. Typical strategies include management and board changes, financial re-structuring, corporate reorganization, acquisitions & divestitures, etc.

  • 27 Mega Funds

    27 of the World’s largest or Mega Fund Managers, with total combined assets under management of $30 Trillion. Together, they control over half of the U.S. equity discretionary assets.

  • 59 Billionaires

    59 Billionaires & Billionaire Fund Managers, including the personal assets of Billionaires, such as Bill & Melinda Gates, and Michael Dell, and funds managed by billionaires.

  • 40 Tiger Funds

    40 Tiger Fund Managers, including Tiger Cubs, Grand-cubs, & Great Grand-cubs that honed their skills based on Julian Robertson’s Tiger Management, employing a research-intensive traditional long/short equity strategy, picking solid companies to buy and bad ones to short.

including 78 Guru, 27 Mega, 165 sector, 59 billionaires, 54 New Masters, 40 Tiger and 52 Shareholder Activists, with approx. 85% of these being hedge fund managers. Also, the 165 Sector funds include 29 consumer, 27 energy, 23 finance, 7 gold, 25 healthcare, 11 real estate and 43 tech-focused sector funds, that have all or most of their assets in that sector